Greek Power Girl Series

The Greek Power Girl Series from Hellenic Professional Women was created with the purpose of inspiring other Greek women in their careers. Through interviews with some super powerful, influential, and successful Greek women, we hope you gain insight into their career paths and learn from their valuable advice.

What is a Greek Power Girl? A Greek Power Girl is the epitome of girl power, influenced and inspired by her Hellenic Roots. She is strong. She is wise. She is a hustler always striving for success. She is a leader in her field. She is recognized for her accolades and her accomplishments. She is highly respected in her industry. She is innovative, forward thinking, and known to get the job done better than anyone else. She is a role model and a mentor. She is valuable not only in her industry and to her colleagues but to everyone around her. She is the ultimate asset. She has worked incredibly hard to make it to the top. She is an unstoppable powerhouse. She is respected and she is humble. Her gratitude is magnetic and her work ethic is like no other.

Evangelia is a Greek-American artist born in the US, and …..

Meet our latest Greek Power Girl – Dana Mathews! Dana …..

Meet our next Greek Power Girl – Katerina Mountanos, Founder …..

We are happy to Introduce our first GREEK POWER GIRL …..

We are happy to Introduce our first GREEK POWER GIRL …..